
Top 10 Reasons Loreena Bobbit Should be President
  1. She could be the first woman president.
  2. Has unique way of dealing with out of line congressmen and senators.
  3. Would have big emotional advantage negotiating with male heads of state of foriegn powers.
  4. "First Man Knocks the Pres Around" would make great story for Weekly World News or the Star.
  5. If she was acquitted in this trial, she should be able to get away with murder in the White House.
  6. If she get's out of line, we could rename it The Red House.
  7. Could include clause in Health Care package to not include severed organ reattatchment.
  8. People would take her seriously when she says she's tough on violent crime offenders.
  9. Better than any candidate the Republicans or Democrats have to offer.
  10. Has shown her self capable of cutting the budget deficit.


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