none of us are normal. we're all peculiar in our own particular ways. the oddest of the lot though, are the people who like to pretend otherwise. the ones with the carefully-regimented lives and a fear, bordering on dread, of what the neighbours think. i dont care what anyone thinks of me. though i was amused to learn that my social standing (in school) is currently very high (on the weird front). i realized today that many people do respect me!
this is what happens when you grow ooooolddd! a friend's brother, still in high school, followed me around the whole time. wanting to know what i was thinking (every second), wanting to learn about the stars and the nebulaes, wanting me to choose a monologue for his upcoming audition at a prestigious new york drama academy, wanting me to encourage him, talk to him, laugh with him. in a way its just what i needed today. a bit of an ego boost.. to keep me going. but i sense there's more to this than just the "role model" deal. i think he's crushing on me big time!
just what i needed again eh? he's a kid 6 years younger than i am. and i dont want to diss him.. but i'll deal with it my own way.
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