
oye vey. i'll sleep. as soon as i post this beautiful email (because its an ego-booster :-p )
this is what one of my best friends from back home had written a few years ago, trying to cheer me up when i was all down and depressed. because my gpa had scaled down to a 3.3 from a 3.86 (what a dork i am). if i had a 3.3 now i'd be estatic!

oye whenever you feel that the work is very hard and things are so sickeningly monotonous remember why you are doing it inb the first place. and that it is because there are some jerks back there in India who respect and love. love u because you are just so damn lovable and respect you because you are so goddamn successful. while we here were chasing skirts, you were out there chasing your dreams. while we were getting sandals, on our faces, sheepishly. you were getting pats,deservedly and sometimes brickbats,bravely.while the only thing we worried about was the cash flow diagram we had to trace of the cash from dad's pocket to ours, you were dealing with cash flowing from others pockets to your company's. while we were reading guides a day before to become scholars you were guiding a team of scholars thru their day.

i know he exxagerated a bit. but that's because he's my friend. and he loves me so dearly.


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