
fuck these young over-achievers.
well yeah, academically they might be brilliant..
but when it comes to human feelings.. a little tolerance..
being less selfish, more giving and accomodating..


i wanted to rant and blow my top off.. since
Silence is good..except when I want to laugh.
I am a workaholic.
I don't exist.
I'm a realist - the glass is 50% water and 50% air.
Snakes are my passion/obsession.

Random Astro Fact
To remember the types of star classifications, commit the phrase "Oh,Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me" to memory. The first letter of each word is a star classification: O,B,A,F,G,K,M.

Contrary to popular thought, 'Kemo Sabe' actually means 'soggy shrub' in Navajo.

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two black holes - locked in a death dance! read more

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