
my mind wanders away from his words
to his lips
his gaze

i look at him
and feel myself drifting
drifting into a storm
i feel it deep down
spiraling towards the center
of my universe

and i feel the fire these days
and someone might get burned
but that's not my intent
the fire spreads to my bone
the crackle
the tingle

i feel the desire
go away
i can get rude
desire is definitely a very inclusive expression
hardly rude

standing in the cold wet wrap
the fire sizzles
fighting till its last flame
not wanting to die out
and it succeeds

as it engulfs my being

the saga starts all over again

the thudding of the blood
that rushes in
and demands something deep within
a muscle twitch

sometimes it truly is the clash i want
ramrod hard desire

ha. i jest.
vicarious experiences.


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