
why do people love to criticise each other?

given half a chance, they list the many faults that they perceive in the people around them. most of them prefer to say things behind one another’s backs. a lot of times, even though we rarely get to hear all that others think of us, we can sense disapproval in a look - or a tone of voice.

i'm conscious of the judgements that are being made of me.. and that i'm making of others. i wonder if i'm just allowing myself to be intimidated or if i'm becoming overly keen to prove some kind of point to my critics?

i know what i'm going to do.. i'm going to relax and do what comes naturally to me. and i'm not going to pay any attention to opinions that are based on theory rather than experience.

now that i've got that thorn out of my brain.. i can sleep. and sleep i must. its 5:50am.


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