
fate vs. free will

i wonder if we really do have a choice.. or is everything predestined? i dont think such questions are really avoidable. they go with the territory. unfortunately, neither do the answers come quite so automatically. most of us think that we have a choice over most things (atleast i do).. but there are a few of us who complicate the matter by pointing out that we can choose not to choose.

after several precious hours (days?) of mulling over this topic, i dont think i'm closer to a definitive answer.

free will, they say, is about deciding to make things happen. so umm.. is fate about deciding to let things happen? that probably depends on who you ask. those of us who believe that everything is pre-destined feel they dont even get to decide that much. then there are those of us who believe in free will argue that the fate brigade simply choose to abdicate their powers, thus their responsibilities.

and this debate's been going on in my head forever!


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