a friend and i were discussing old times.. way back in india.. when we were young and ruthless in some ways :-p
so here's a piece of the dialogue:
ab: I think I told you that I used to maintain a diary
me: yeah i remember
ab: in that i used to write about us and in that I wrote one of your poems
me: whoa.
ab: was reading it a few weeks back
ab: .. the best part is that the raw emotion that I was capable of at that time doesnt seem to be there now
me: we grow. and so does our control.
ab: I miss that sometimes
ab: that untempered flow of thoughts where logic had little place
me: true. ha. what we were and what we've become..
me: if given a chance, would you rather be your oldself?
ab: have to think about it.. but very hypothetically
ab: I guess I will like to live that life
me: i'd rather be the new me. (i'm still the old me in most ways.. except i look better.. hahaha how egotistical of me!)
ab: but the new u is I think a lot more fun
ab: am i right?
me: yes
me: yeah i'm a lot more daring.. a lot more honest about what i want.. and i definitely say what's on my mind.. that can be fun
ab: but what about what you have on your mind? is it adulterated with logic?
me: um no not really.
me: i have this *ahem* uncanny knack of switching personalities to suit the situation.. so when i'm with people i can really be myself.. i tell *logic* to fuck off.
me: heheheheh
ab: yes thats true
ab: I think I am a bloody natural critic
ab: yes thats true
me: that you are
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