We walked to the edge of the water. I, calm. She, nervous. Her eyes questioning mine. Maybe she wanted to spew something that tickled her insides. This I know for sure, she couldn't gather enough courage. Am I that unapproachable? Hm. This definitely did bring up several issues that stumped me in the past. Oh. I digress. This is about her. Definitely not me. I look at her long and hard. She's charming. Not pretty. Not in the conventional sense. But she makes me smile. I try and read her lips. I'm deaf to her words. she mumbles something. and all i can see are her soft lips and all i can think about are her supple breasts. she yells. i snap back to reality. "you never listen to what i have to say.. blah blah blah". hey, i'm me. i don't think i will ever change. so. well, she deserves to be heard. "i couldn't do it. i'm a homey, protective, secure blanket for most people. i'm not the intelligent type who can handle these confrontations. i am submissive and i can't help it.. blah blah". my concentration powers wandered off after hearing that bit. damn. weakness - a concept i definitely don't conform to. and i definitely don't like seeing - in me or others. and here she stands, in my presence, telling me this. when she knows how much i despise it.
that's when i knew.
a time to put a stop to this torture.
i would definitely miss her half moons.
but i will not compromise on my ideologies.
alas. she was slipping away. far from my realm. i look at her longingly.
she stopped. "a last parting kiss i deserve..". she was still hesitant. she still lacks confidence. but i will make this an impossible moment for her.. for i dont want her to go. i bend forward slowly. she cringed. she will not be able to say goodbye. i trace her voluptuousness. sigh. this is it.
she's gone.
and so are my dreams.
i don't exist.
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